Regulatory Matters

This page contains important legal and regulatory statements which you must read in conjunction with the information on the Torevell & Partners website. This information has been issued and approved by Torevell & Partners and does not in any way constitute investment advice.

Company Details

Torevell & Partners is the trading name of Dewhurst Torevell & Co Ltd, a company authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 183210). Registered in England & Wales, No 3279315. VAT No 781781006. Our registered office is 5 Oxford Court, Manchester M2 3WQ.

Regulatory Position

Torevell & Partners, via its legal entity of Dewhurst Torevell & Co Limited, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) as Independent Financial Advisers. Our FCA Register number is 183210. You can check all our details on the Financial Services Register by visiting the FCA’s website at or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768 or 0300 500 8082. The FCA can also be contacted at the following address: 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS. If you would like further information on the FCA you can access their website at

Where Torevell & Partners advises or offers advice on pensions, life assurance or packaged retail and insurance based investment products (PRIIPs), it will be based upon a selection of products from the whole market.

Our permitted business is advising and arranging investment business, life insurance and pensions (including transfers and opt outs). We are one of relatively few firms authorised to hold client money and client assets and hence fall under the scope of the European directive (“MiFID II”) requiring enhanced reporting. Our policy setting out Best Execution can be found here. On an annual basis we will provide, for each class of financial instrument, the top five execution venues in terms of trading volumes where clients’ orders were executed in the previous year, our report for 2017 can be found here:

Investment Services

In relation to the investment services described the following should be borne in mind:

  • The value of any investment and the income from it is not guaranteed and can fall as well as rise, so that you may not realise the amount originally invested.
  • Past performance should not be taken as an indication to future performance.
  • The information in this website is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities or any other investment or banking product, nor does it constitute a personal recommendation. 

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